Roseau Improvement Maintenance Project

Roseau Improvement Maintenance Project

Roseau Improvement Maintenance Project

Scope of Work: The work consist of:

Reconstruction and refurbishment of 11.3 km of the Roseau Valley roads, including asphaltic surfacing, construction and reconstruction of drainage/retaining structures as required.
Asphaltic surfacing will include prime coat, double bituminous surface treatment, asphaltic levelling.
Drainage works will include the improvement or construction of concrete box drains, drainage culverts, earth drainage ditches, concrete drainage ditches, open box drains, slipper drain and curbing.

The installation of permanent guard rails, temporary and permanent road marking and signage and diversion of services.

SCL’s consultancy would provide:

Reports and recommendations for final approval
Verify Contractor’s survey
Review Contactor’s methods and equipment
Monitor Traffic Management methods
Quality control
Prepare daily activity reports
Inspect and make recommendations for approval of completed works
Confirm Survey Control Points and Review proposed alignments
Coordinate with Public Utilities
Measurement of works
Review and recommend Progress Payments
Monitor progress and costs
Construction coordination meetings
Report on progress
Receive and address Public complaints/concerns
Review of changed conditions and initiation of change orders
Review Contractor’s claims

LocationRoseau, Dominica
DateFebruary 20, 2015