Choosing house paint may be just another errand for some while for others it is a terrifying experience. The colour of a house can make it very welcoming while it can also make it equally uneasy. Choosing the right colour will add luster to your home. Below are some tips when choosing paint colour for the exterior of your home:
- Balance the Roof – The colour of the roof is most times already established. You’ll want to choose paint colour that complement your roof or roof shingles. The paint colour doesn’t have to match the roof colour but it should harmonize. Some ideas:
- Green roof – Gray, green, or white house colors
- Black roof – Gray, blue, or white house colors
- Brown roof – Brown, tan, yellow, or white house colors
- Gray roof – Gray, blue, green, black, or white house colors
- Red roof – Gray, black, or brown house colors
- Look for things that won’t be painted – Choose a colour scheme that will complement objects with colours that are unlikely to be changed e.g colour of steps and wooden doors.
- Tips from your neighbours – You can get ideas from the neighbour’s house, not necessarily to paint your house similar to it but by choosing different colours that will make your home look very different and stand out.
- Make use of environment – Say, in areas like Giraudel, which is decorated with beautiful flowers, ideas can be developed from the natural environment. Colour ideas can also be inspired by looking at other present natural resources like the sea, sky, sun etc.
- Use of different colours for different finishings – You may want to make your house look more interesting, by using more than one colour but not too many. The window sashes, brackets, columns etc could be painted in a different colour from your wall.
- Paint to compensate for poor architectural details – On occasions where there is a lack in your architecture, use bold colours to create a pleasant diversion. White and beige tend to bring out architectural faults on surfaces.
- Effects of light colours – Light colours tend to make things seem large while dark colours do the opposite. White or pale cream colours are also used to create a sense of class.
- Dark colours – Dark colours don’t easily show stains and dust. It can also add a sense of drama, however much consideration and control must be applied when painting in dark colours since they are more likely to fade, and attract heat.
- Use a colour wheel to choose paint – Know the rule that saying “opposite attracts”? Pairs can be found at opposite ends. When put together, they bring out the best in each other, making both colours look clean and bright.
- Paint Color Deceptions – Paint colour looks different depending on circumstances or areas, therefore it’s advisable to test your selected colour in one area before buying gallons e.g. colours look very different when they are brought out of the store and viewed in natural sunlight.